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Self-deception will keep you from losing weight, will keep you from moving forward, will cause time to pass without you ever reaching your goal. In fact, if you continue to deceive yourself with your thoughts you will end up in much worse shape than you are now with the passage of time.
These thoughts and words are self-deceptive. They aren't true but they do cause you to continue engaging in activities that are hurting you.
1) This is bland and boring.
2) My medications prevent me from losing weight.
3) My medications cause me to gain weight. (I'm not talking about a little water retention).
4) I am starving.
5) I don't have time to journal.
6) I eat the same approved things every day and Im not losing weight.
7) This is too expensive.
8) Eating healthy is too expensive.
9) I have no support.
10) This is too confusing.
I can go on and on and on.
Bottom line.
1) You either want to lose weight or you don't want to lose weight. You have to be 100% one way or the other.
2) On a scale of 1-10 you can't be....I want to lose weight at a level 8 but you also want to eat what you want to eat and as much of it as you want to eat at a level 10. Level 10 will win out.
3) You can eat the way you used to eat and enjoy the food while gaining fat or
4) You can make the switch, learn the program while eating and enjoying great tasting food AND lose weight. It's your choice.
Come on now. Stop giving the devil the victory. Stop self deceiving with your thoughts and words.
We all know how we got here. We all know how to get out of this mess too.
You can eat yourself to death or eat yourself back into a healthy and self confident life.
STOP GIVING THE devil VICTORY in your life. Talk yourself into this and stop talking yourself and OTHERS out of it.
GET FIRED UP! Aren't you tired of living like this?
Month 1 you will lose up to 10% of your body weight if you do things MY WAY. That means you have to journal too!
Month 2 and beyond you will lose about 1/2 of 1% up to 1% of your body weight each week if you have less than 6 holidays per month.
300 pound person doing this MY WAY.
Month 1 will lose 30 pounds.
Month 2 will lose 7-15 pounds.
Month 3 will lose 7-15 pounds.
Month 4 will lose 7-15 pounds.
As this person gets closer to their goal they will lose a little less 5-10 pounds per month.
In 6 months to 12 months this person will have lost 100 pounds or more.
In 6 months this person could have up to 36 days where they totally HOG TROUGH it and still lose weight. However, the other days must be PERFECT DAYS, including a JOURNAL.
I will help anyone lose weight. ANYONE. EVERYONE. BUT I need you to do it my way. You tried it your way. Now will you try it MY WAY!?????
You don't need more comforting. You need confrontation!
Your life depends on you getting this done.
I love you,

July 21, 2018