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Posted July 24, 2020, 1:45 p.m.

Can you pray for this? My brother is up for a short visit, and I find him hard to deal with. All through the years, he has been dominant and bossy. He teases, but his teasing can hurt. He is the one who actually had the biggest impact on me before I got saved because he prayed for me everyday and witnessed to me all the time. I was very close to him in my younger years, but he became more licentious, and did not listen to soundness, but became offended. It has created an uneasiness in me. I would appreciate prayer for me that I would have wisdom in knowing what to do. (There were times he was like a bully. When I told him that I’m passing, he heard.) He IS caring, but his domineering side is stronger. Thank you.

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I added that comment on 8/11. Thank you!!

To whoever has prayed, my brother has been kinder and more considerate lately. After speaking with him the other day, I took note, and then remembered that I had asked you for prayer. Thank you for praying! Blessings to you!

*typo... when I told him IN PASSING...