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Posted June 2, 2021, 12:23 p.m.

I'm feeling very overwhelmed with learning the new program. I know God will help, please pray that this time, is the last time and This will sink in. Help me to prioritize this, make it a lifestyle and become healthy. TIA

18 Praying
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We are praying for you today at Shibboleth Prayer Time (6/25/21). I'd love to hear an update on your progress.

We prayed for you to have understanding, patience and perseverance this morning in our Shibboleth prayer time. Please keep us updated on your progress. You can do it!

We are praying for you at Shibboleth. Take advantage of the 1 on 1 mentoring and the live Fast Track classes. Take it one day at a time. Allow the Holy Spirit to exhibit the fruit of patience in you and ask the Lord to grant you understanding--He will.