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Posted July 23, 2021, 10:18 a.m.

Please pray for me I am really trying to do this Weight Loss but I am at a Job where I sit all day and I need to get up and move but my work load is so big. Please pray that I can do this! I was at 245 pounds and I now at 227 which I have lost but I am at a standstill. I have stomach issues if I eat the wrong stuff so I have to be careful anyway

20 Praying
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We prayed for you this morning during our Shibboleth Prayer Time (8/20/21). Please keep us updated.


We prayed for you this morning in our Shibboleth Prayer Time (8/6/21). How is the weight loss going?

We are praying for you. Any updates? How are you doing with the weight loss?

Congratulations on your weight loss! We will be praying for you at our Shibboleth prayer time. Although your movement may be limited at work, you can/will still lose weight if you utilize the Shibboleth shield! Will be praying for wisdom and patience in this process.

I am praying for wisdom for you to know how you can incorporate exercise while sitting all day. Perhaps you could get a standing desk and alternate standing and sitting. Maybe google exercises from a chair. I know you can make it happen. May God richly bless you!!!!