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Posted April 12, 2022, 4:18 p.m.

Once again, I am starting over with my weight loss and trying to get healthy. Please pray that I can better understand the program and learn this healthy way of eating. I am determined to get it right this time. Thanks!

37 Praying
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SAME!!! I am trying to kick start with the summer slim down challenge!! praying for all the do overs!!!!


Cowenby, I am starting over for the 5th time in two years!! I am praying for you!! Good luck!


Cowenby and Nikki me three! starting again to get healthly prayers for all of to depend on God's grace for self control and making our bodies His temple in good condition. God bless you both!

Cowenby, me too!!! I am starting over and need prayers!! I'll be praying for you!!! Good luck & my God help us both through this journey!!

