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Posted March 6, 2023, 7:52 p.m.

I have been struggling with getting back on track with my weight loss sinceThanksgiving. I've tried several times to get back on track and just can't get my mind set and motivation back. I am trying to get started back today and at least do the 21 perfect days and get the junk food outta my system. Please remember me that I can and will do it this time!

13 Praying
you are praying for this person...

How about one day at a time. Any perfect days are better than before. See how many you can do. I know you will be ok.

I completely understand how you feel. I held on tight until the very last week of December. I completely lost it. I tried to get back on and maybe make it for a day a b day then off again. I've been going through some very stressful things in my life lately. That has been making me stress-eat. But really that's just an excuse to make myself feel better for eating what I wanted to eat. Today is day 5 and I am constantly being tempted. I will find a way to shut the diet devil up before he can even begin taking to me. You can do this. It's not how many times we fall that matters, it's what we do after we.fall that counts! I'm praying for you. Say a prayer for me. ♥

I'm praying for you! Join some daily LIVE classes to help encourage and motivate you. M-F 10:30 AM EST and 8:00 PM EST and on Sundays for Mount Shibboleth at 10:00 AM EST. Don't go this journey alone. Additionally, get a mentor appointment and talk some things through. You only have one life to live. Let this be your BEST Life! Don't miss out on the blessings that God has for you. Hugs! Here are some links for you: Class Times & Events: and Make a Mentor Appointment for HELP: