Food Categories

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00:01 Opening

00:41 Greetings

01:58 Introduction

02:46 Get the Text Notifications

05:06 Motivational Speech

06:23 Worship is about sacrifice

08:29 Stop Dieting and Start Living

09:36 Shibboleth Program

10:14 Food Categories: Introduction

13:39 Quick Recap

14:20 4 Important Macronutrients

14:49 Food Categories: Category 1 Lean Protein

  • Without protein nothing can function because cells needs amino acids

17:13 What Happens to Your Body When You Sit All Day?

20:38 Exercise In a Category

  • Egg Whites
  • Hemp Flakes
  • Fish
  • Chicken Breast
  • Turkey Breast

22:12 Category 1 Lean Protein

  • Pork Tenderloin
  • 96% Lean Ground Meat
  • Ball Park Smoked White Turkey Franks
  • 97% Lean Hebrew National Franks
  • Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Greek Plain Yogurt
  • Kroger Carbmaster Milk
  • Shakes

25:53 Category 1 Lean Protein: Everything You Need to Know

27:58The Best Processed Frank

29:05 Fat Free Cheese and Approved Grilled Cheese

32:59 Focus on what we can have

33:15 Obesity

36:19 Category 4 Protein + Fat

  • Whole Eggs
  • Any cut of Steak
  • All cuts of Pork
  • 93% Lean Ground Beef

40:30 Portions are very important

41:00 Boar's Head London Broil

42:17 Taste good comes with pain

43:53 Motivational Speech

47:30 Your success will depend on the number of people hating on you

49:37 Category 6 Superfoods

  • Pintos
  • Black Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Hemp Hearts
  • 51:57 Nuts & Seeds
  • 2 handfuls = meal
  • 1 handful = snack

52:25 Exceptions: Flavored Sunflower Seeds and Pistachios

53:32 Nut Butter

  • 1 tbsp = snack
  • 2 tbsps = meal portion
  • 54:03 Peanut Butter as a snack
  • 55:26 Category 7 Shellfish
  • Crab
  • Shrimp
  • Scallops
  • Crawfish
  • Oyster
  • Lobster
  • Mussels
  • Escargot

58:46 Ghee Butter

1:00:09 Storytelling: Days of Thunder

1:02:41 Category 3

  • You can have everything from potatoes to corn
  • Category 3 elevates blood sugar causes the fat bus

1:03:00 All fruit is allowed

1:04:09 Category 2 Fibrous Carbs

  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Okra
  • Squash
  • Cabbage
  • Bell Peppers
  • Cucumber
  • Jicama
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • All leafy green vegetables

1:06:13 Approved Breads

1:08:19 Food Categories: Advice & Tips

1:08:52 Best Cooking Oils for Weight Loss

1:09:30 The Best Fat Loss Combination

  • 1+ 2 + MCT

1:11:59 Category 4 Steak

1:12:27 Cooking Oil: Examples

  • Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • It is all allowed as long as there is no 3's and 5's

1:14:41 Support [Question and Answer]

1:14:54 Weight Loss Advice

1:16:57 Ghee Butter: Where to Purchase

1:17:56 Motivational Speech

1:18:34 Learn to do this for yourself

1:20:37 What's the snack calorie rule?

  • your snack has got to be 200 calories or less

1:28:20 Acknowledgements

1:30:01 Closing


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