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Shibboleth Class June 10, 2020 ~ TO LOOK GOOD NAKED

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01:45 Start
02:45 Getting in the Zoom room
03:13 Advantages of getting in the Zoom room
03:38 Our Lifetime Membership
05:30 My Journey
07:13 "I am a fool with a plan but thats better than a wise man without a plan"
07:52 If you really want to look good naked, you have to....
09:20 Struggling with the scales
10:12 Number of Holidays we can have
11:53 You cannot let the Scales be the Devil in your life
13:24 "I paid the price and I got it off"
15:24 They do not accurately tell you much fat you're losing or gaining, They tell you how much weight you are losing or gaining
16:10 Look at them week over week
17:33 If you look at them month over month, the scales become your ally
18:10 One day ~ They are a Devil, 30 days ~ They are an Angel
19:48 Make sure your goals line up with the scripture
21:30 What is your ideal weight
23:36 How to find your Ideal weight
28:30 Finding you body fat percentage
28:50 Ideal body fat percentage
31:18 Miraculous Fat Loss
35:06 How to control Insulin
36:00 2 ways to preserve muscle while in a calorie deficit
37:00 Way to good fat loss
40:10 Shibboleth Shield
41:00 How much calories you should burn
42:25 If you're ready to go for war
44:12 Who says you've got to do this everyday
45:15 If you follow this rule
46:00 How much time will it take to get to your ideal weight
50:08 Shibboleth is built on this pyramid
51:25 But no addiction is killing our people like food addiction
52:18 We have to find a lifestyle that we can live with
54:25 You do not need exercise and supplements to look good in your clothes
56:30 If you still are lacking understanding with the nutrition part, Sign up for Kim Dahnke's Fastrack
57:45 We've got to understand the Thermic effect of food
1:00:45 Why is MCT better than Olive Oil
1:02:25 We must not just eat these foods without understanding
1:02:41 "If I bite it I write it"
1:02:42 Journal
1:02:56 Food Combinations
1:03:15 Portion Control
1:03:19 Timing
1:07:20 One Goal at a time
1:07:35 Calories burned in 30 minutes
1:09:10 Exercise is good but it profit a little
1:09:33 Walking
1:14:01 Supplementation
1:15:58 AdvoCare Supplements
1:31:12 Detox
1:32:00 Questions & Comments
1:35:00 Closing


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April Forsyth
UGAmom1921 Feb. 2, 13:58:39
awesome and very helpful

Maria Houser
Trident June 12, 19:28:15
Awesome lesson!