#14 Your Resources

About this video...

After watching the 14 Fast Track videos and passing the Fast Track quiz to earn your Fast Track Full Access badge, make sure to work your way through each action item in each of the 7 laps of Fast Track.  The Fast Track laps lead you to your printable resources, joining the Facebook groups, setting your account up, learning the food library, recipe library, WOW challenges, restaurant guide, meal plan generator, and more.  The Fast Track leads you through a self-directed exploration of the resources you will want/need at the beginning of your new lifestyle.  When you need additional help, we are here for you.  Just click the chat button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.  A mentor is available weekdays typically from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.  


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Renee Miller
reneemk2013 May 25, 17:54:50
Kim is a great presenter. I love that each video is short and to the point so as not to be overwhelming.

Carolyn McCarthy
cmccarthy July 29, 13:46:54
Kim does an excellent job explaining everything.

Audrey Meany
Mkaudrey1 July 16, 22:29:02
Love your Makeover! Looking Sassy:))

Colleen Page
484021CAP July 5, 9:58:55
These videos really break it down and take the overwhelming feeling away! Thank you Kim. You are a wonderful presenter and I’m sure you were an awesome principal too!

June Thomas
jwthomas May 24, 13:39:09
Great videos!!