Brussel Sprouts

Rating: 5
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 To comply with Phase 4 please choose organic fruits and veggies

The serving size would be a 1/2 cup with another category II, a category III, or a category V.

The dill pickled varieties will work!

You can sprinkle them with any zero calorie sweetener to kill the bitterness. 

Sliced in half and cooked in chicken stock, sea salt, black pepper, and a dash of cayenne.  Great tasting!

Deep purple and dark leafy green vegetables are great vegetables for this program.  They are high in fiber, iron, vitamin A and C.

They benefit you in the short term and long term weight loss effects.  These vegetables take more calories to burn than they provide, this is why they are beneficial to the weight loss aspect and the previous for your long term health.  Enjoy these wonderful greens.  But, as always, remember your combinations and portions for a perfect meal.